How Can You Start Caring for The Land and Protecting Nature?

By Viv Cai

Connecting with the land and protecting our natural resources can mean different things for different people. Also, there are many ways to connect and protect the land, there is no one size fits all!

If you are someone who has not had the opportunity to be in nature or feel like you do not have sufficient knowledge to protect nature, don’t fret! We had the opportunity to speak with some folks on what it means to connect with and protect the land. Maybe their messages will speak to you and make nature a less daunting place for you to connect with and start appreciating in simple ways that you did not know of.

What does it mean to connect with the land?

Connecting with the land can sometimes be a very personal and spiritual feeling. For me, originally from Shanghai and now residing in Seattle, connecting with the land means acknowledging the living beings around me, taking in the surroundings, and making space for others. For Marquina, originally from the Tinian island now residing in Beaverton, connecting to nature means a connection to her ancestors and to being an ancestor for future generations. It also means showing a love that is unconditional and reciprocal, a vision of harmony and sustenance. This message was also resonated through other feedback we received as well. Some themes that showed up in our messages were: we are dependent on the land,  we are in a cycle with the land, and we are in a reciprocal relationship with nature. Respondents also expressed that nature is a living being and we need to show love back by taking care of it in a respectful and sustainable way. The following is a message from one of our respondents: 

"Earth to me means finding ways to ground myself. Finding ways to take a step back from people and from myself and reflect on the good and the bad.
Land means to me finding places where I feel at peace. Places that make me want to bring people and have them experience the same thing.
And finally, water to me means an opportunity to start over. Water to me has always provided me an opportunity to actually feel refreshed. When I go anywhere, I always want to go somewhere with water. I feel like water is what connects me to the earth and Land."

What are ways to protect the land?

Nature protection can look very different depending on the region you are in. But whether you are surrounded by water, desert, mountains or a mixed terrain, these places all need our love and care and so do the creatures that reside in them. There are simple ways that we can all start practicing without a lot of nature knowledge. However, it is always important to educate yourself and do your own research. That was one of the most mentioned topics from everyone we spoke to, as raising awareness and being aware of the destructive system around us will help better prepare us to take care of ourselves, those around us, and Earth as a whole.

Starting small:
- Turning off the running water while scrubbing dishes or brushing teeth & more;
- Reusable products: cleaning supplies (rags over paper towel), Tupperware over Ziploc bags, glass bottles over single use plastic, refillable hand soaps or body wash, etc;
- Recycle and upcycle;
- Shop local products;
- Help out at a community garden;
- Spread awareness, start conversations;
- Challenge the idea that land is to be exploited!!!

Helping to protect nature does not have to mean donating money as that is not financially feasible for everyone. It also does not have to mean showing up to help plant trees as that might not be physically accessible for everyone and maybe you just do not have time! Helping to protect nature can mean using skills you already have to contribute to ongoing efforts. No change is too small and every big movements starts small!

Some Online Resources:


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